Functional Movement Screen (FMS)


A screening tool used to evaluate seven fundamental movement patterns in individuals. The FMS is not intended to diagnose orthopaedic problems but rather to demonstrate opportunities for improved movement in individuals. The screen is designed to place an individual in extreme positions where movement deficits become noticeable if appropriate stability and mobility are not used.


The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a sophisticated screening tool designed to assess seven fundamental movement patterns in individuals free from current pain complaints or musculoskeletal injuries. Unlike diagnostic assessments, the FMS aims to identify areas for enhanced movement quality and efficiency.

By placing individuals in challenging positions, the FMS uncovers potential deficits in stability and mobility that might otherwise go unnoticed. This screening process is particularly insightful for individuals who excel in activities or sports, as it reveals underlying limitations in fundamental movement. These limitations often lead to compensatory movements, which can compromise biomechanics and hinder performance gains.

Addressing these movement inefficiencies is crucial for optimising performance and minimising injury risks. The FMS empowers individuals to correct compensatory patterns, enhance biomechanical efficiency, and bolster the body’s resilience for sustained activity participation.

The 7 movement patterns included in the FMS are:

  • Deep squat
  • Hurdle step
  • In-line lunge
  • Shoulder mobility
  • Active single leg raise
  • Trunk stability
  • Rotary stability