Medicare Movement Masters


Our Medicare Movement Masters program is designed for individuals who have completed their Individual Chronic Disease Management Plan and require ongoing support without the financial burden of 1:1 sessions. Priced at $20 per person, these 60-minute sessions allow participants to continue their tailored exercise programs developed with our Exercise Physiologists (EPs). The group setting provides a cost-effective way to maintain progress, with professional support available for check-ins, community access to our facilities as well as engaging in a social and supportive environment.

Capacity: Minimum 10 people, maximum 15

Target Conditions:

  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Chronic Pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis
  • Lung Conditions
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • Obesity and Weight Management
  • Cancer

Program Components:

  • Individualised Exercise Plans: Each participant follows their personalised exercise regimen designed by our EPs, ensuring continuity in their health journey.
  • Support and Supervision: EPs are available during sessions to provide guidance, answer questions, and monitor progress.
  • Community and Motivation: Benefit from the camaraderie and motivation of a group setting, fostering a supportive and encouraging environment.

Educational Content:

  • Chronic Disease Management: Understanding how regular exercise can manage and improve symptoms of chronic conditions.
  • Pain Management Techniques: Strategies for managing chronic pain through physical activity and lifestyle adjustments.
  • Health Literacy: Information on how to read and understand medical reports, medication effects, and lifestyle changes.

Tracking Journal:

  • Condition-Specific Metrics: Track symptoms and progress related to specific conditions such as pain levels, mobility, and functional ability.
  • Exercise Adherence: Record attendance, exercise completed, and perceived exertion.
  • Feedback and Adjustments: Notes on any feedback from participants and necessary adjustments to the exercise plans.

Why It’s Important:

  • Continued Care: Ensures ongoing management of chronic conditions without the high cost of individual sessions.
  • Accessibility: Makes professional support affordable and accessible for those with limited finances.
  • Maintenance of Health Gains: Helps maintain and build upon the progress made during individual care plans.