Jetts New Zealand have collaborated with innovators in health and wellbeing My Inspiration Never Dies to provide an assessment and educational roadshow across thirty sites in November and December of this year.
The roadshow will uniquely provide physical assessments using the latest technologies in body composition with the Evolt360 and ground-breaking 3D assessment of functional movement with the MoovmentPro scan system all provided by a GPTQA trained and accredited assessor for true reliability.
“Having an objective assessment is a great foundation for a program especially from a preventative perspective and the combination of seeing a virtual twin of yourself really highlights areas for true reform for a more agile and pain-free lifestyle” says Graham Dudley, CEO of My Inspiration Never Dies.
Both assessments are provided within the gym in a one-on-one way and are supported with feedback by a trained Health Scientist and followed up with resources for the client to be able to interpret the numbers on a personal level. Additionally, the team of managers and personal trainers will be upskilled on data interpretation, the importance of validity and how to adjust the client experience to a more refined program to achieve their goals.
“Our members’ wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do at Jett’s Fitness New Zealand. With the proliferation of information available today, we’re excited to partner with a professional clinical organisation to provide scientifically backed support for both our members and our teams. This collaboration not only empowers our members to achieve their health goals but also ensures our staff are equipped with the latest knowledge. With this support and the ability to apply advanced technologies at scale and at an affordable cost, we are setting our members up for success as we continue to roll out these innovations through 2025, further enriching the health and fitness of our community” says George Reed, Executive General Manager of Jetts New Zealand.

Often the assessment moment is the beginning and end of the interaction and client experience, but this collaboration is ongoing with members having the opportunity to participate in the My Inspiration Never Dies Explore Eighty4 program after their assessment too. This is a revolutionary program that provides professional health care support by Exercise Physiologists to every member virtually and an 84-day ongoing program of self-development specific to the individuals goals. As the program is clinically led, it aligns directly to the Personal Trainer in the Jetts gym and the equipment available for a seamless journey. Additionally, every member receives the My Mind Voyage virtual interactive journal experience, resources on health and wellness and regular “nudges” to keep them inspired and motivated.
“I developed Explore Eighty4 from my own challenges and experiences in sport performance, health and fitness as a way to take a bite-sized approach to really improving my health, on my terms. Often a six or eight week challenge can be difficult to maintain or even cause regression so the Explore Eighty4 is designed to carry you forward in seasons (84-day cycles) through the year and leave the member the agility to choose the direction, pace and goals as they go. A little like an adventure book for life where you are the main character” says Deanna Niceski, Co-founder of My Inspiration Never Dies and author of My Mind Voyage.
With an ever-changing landscape in the fitness industry, this project is set to inspire the nation and give the gym space a new life and purpose as the home to refine, define and deliver individualised health improvement in partnership with technology rather than reliant on it.
More information on the roadshow can be found here: