Functional Flow


Strengthen Your Everyday with Functional Movement Training!

Transform your daily life with our Functional Movement Training class, designed to enhance your strength, flexibility, and balance through exercises that replicate everyday activities. Imagine effortlessly carrying shopping bags or managing daily tasks with newfound ease—this class is all about making that a reality.

Why Join Us? Functional training is key to improving your quality of life by making everyday activities safer and more efficient. It’s also crucial for injury prevention and rehabilitation, helping you move with confidence and ease.

Why We Are Running These Sessions: Functional training is essential for improving the quality of life by enhancing the body’s ability to perform everyday activities efficiently and safely. It also plays a crucial role in injury prevention and rehabilitation.

What They Target:

  • Functional Movement Patterns: Improving the efficiency and safety of movements used in daily life.
  • Strength and Flexibility: Building muscle strength and maintaining flexibility for better overall function.
  • Balance and Coordination: Enhancing stability and reducing the risk of falls and injuries.

Who They Would Benefit:

  • Individuals recovering from injuries.
  • Clients aiming to improve their daily functional capacity.
  • Older adults seeking to maintain independence and prevent falls.

Class Structure:

  • Warm-Up (10 minutes): Dynamic stretching, mobility exercises, light cardio.
  • Functional Movement Training (20 minutes): Focus on movement patterns and functional strength exercises.
  • Main Workout (20 minutes): High-intensity functional circuits.
  • Cool Down (10 minutes): Static stretching and relaxation exercises.

Measurement and Evaluation:

  • Functional movement assessments.
  • Regular feedback and progress tracking from participants.

Unique Features:

  • Everyday Movement Focus: Exercises are designed to replicate and improve functional movements used in daily life.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Suitable for all levels, with modifications available for different fitness levels and abilities.
  • Holistic Approach: Integrates strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination for a comprehensive functional fitness experience.