School health and wellness doesn't stop at the student, it should integrate the teachers and staff too.
Our end-to-end solutions are heavily aligned to physical literacy and the national curriculum with scheduled levels of support starting with basic motor skill and cognition tracking in primary school to advanced sport performance in the later years.
Function, stability and mobility are essential components of a good, active and healthy life so this is where our focus remains throughout the students journey and personal growth. Not every child likes sport and each place their unique value on PE so we integrate primitive sociology with innovative technologies to create really engaging environments.
Our belief is that health promotes health so we reinforce our physical services with training, professional development and accreditation via LMS and workshops for teachers, parents and staff to support positive habitual change across the school.
Changing the focus is creating positive change in PE and the holistic view of physical literacy in schools.
Sport is a bi-product of a healthy life whether competitive of social but all of this is defined by our primitive ability to move well and pain free so MIND work closely with schools to provide an end-to-end service from initial baseline assessment to longitudinal tracking and intervention programs…by allied health professionals rather than personal trainers or sport coaches.
Objective performance testing can be designed to suit different levels of experience and to each sporting code.
Overloading our children through PE classes, extra-curricular sport and additional community sport through a week is a dangerous mixture so we align the real development of each student on an individual basis as each child grows physically and emotionally at a different rate.
Performance testing is not only about elitism and development but is a foundation of early identification of injury risk. Aligning these assessments with the coaching team, PE teachers and parents allows a proactive approach to player welfare and optimising the long-term career.
Special assessments are available for concussion tracking and fundamental movement to highlight risks of soft-tissue injuries and common injuries such as ACL’s.
Teachers are the front line to promote and encourage active living and healthy lives
Teachers are the front line to promote and encourage active living and healthy lives so we ensure they are prepared and tooled up with the right resources to provide the very best care and development to their students.
Children replicate what they see and adapt to an environment quickly
Children replicate what they see and adapt to an environment quickly and socially so MIND support the entire school with staff well-being programs aligned directly to the student programs too.
From the front desk to the Principals office, good habits are connected through our Corporate Inspiration and My Mind Voyage programs including workshops, professional development and external support for individual health care and wellness.
Every staff member can access professional services under strict practitioner/patient confidentiality and these support services have proven to retain staff in a better, more motivated workplace environment.
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